

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Contact Sheet; Possible Photo's for Album.

Originally we wanted a album cover with the artist on, we were going to follow some of the conventions of our genre by having her outside. However it was sunny that day, and well everyday we tried to take photo's, and the lighting just really didn't work and caused shadows in loads of places.
Below are the pictures we took to try get that picture we we're aiming for, but as you can see the way the sun was it caused shadows on her face and on the ground, so they couldn't be used.

Location shots for second scene.

For our second scene we are going to use a location in someone's house. We were going to do this in a living room however we may now change it so the lighting is better. But we haven't tried it with our actor actually filming yet, so we don't know the outcome of what it will look like. We need to try it first, then decide wether to have it in a house or in front of a simple background, so we can control the lighting more.

Location Shots Scene 2 & 3